Can I use ibeacon with ionicFramework

Hi Nicraboy, does this work Ionic view ? Thank you

No it does not!
Sry. Ionic view currently sopport’s just a view cordova plugins. :frowning:

For now following cordova plugins are supported:

com.brodysoft.sqlitePlugin 1.0.3 "Brodysoft SQLitePlugin"
com.ionic.keyboard 1.0.3 "Keyboard"
com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner 1.1.0 "BarcodeScanner"
org.apache.cordova.battery-status 0.2.12 "Battery" 0.3.4 "Camera"
org.apache.cordova.console 0.2.12 "Console"
org.apache.cordova.device 0.2.13 "Device"
org.apache.cordova.device-motion 0.2.11 "Device Motion"
org.apache.cordova.device-orientation 0.3.10 "Device Orientation"
org.apache.cordova.dialogs 0.2.11 "Notification"
org.apache.cordova.geolocation 0.3.11 "Geolocation"
org.apache.cordova.globalization 0.3.3 "Globalization" 0.2.14 "Network Information"
org.apache.cordova.vibration 0.3.12 "Vibration" 1.0.0 “Zip”

See also this link here

Hi, can be Ionic and ngCordova beacon plugin used together?

I need a multiplatform app not only to monitor beacons, but also to connect with them. Its possible?

Any help? Its very important for me if this question could be answered.

Read write and notification is possible with cordova and ionic. I Build several Apps that use this Features in Production.

Hi ,

I purchased some unbranded beacons( iBeacon and Eddystone compatible), along with SKYBEACON they provided me some SDK for android and iOS. But I wish to use the cordova plugin to range the beacons. I did try some examples on the net using this cordova plugin. Doesnt work. Also, tried evothings studio, they have a sample app to scan beacons. I did try that but the app doesnt show any UUID. All it shows is rssi, mjaor and minor.

I am confused on how to test my beacons. How do I configure?

I want to use ionic cordova plugin with beacons no matter who the beacon manufactures are. HAs any one done this? Any step by step instructions please?

@imranjafr, try this demo code in my GitHub. You may need to make some changes (specially the ranging beacon UUID in app.js), but it can help you as a starting point.

Notice, however that this code is not for configuring the beacons.