Building to iOS Ionic 'WKWebViewConfiguration' has no member

I am trying to build to my iPhone and encountered this error on Xcode. Please help:


@dillonvuong Did you find a solution for this? I’m having the same issue.

One clue I’ve found is that limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains is one of the fields for iOS in the Capacitor Config. I tried adding a value for it but it didn’t help. Which was expected since, according to the docs, it should be optional.

I have previously been building a Progressive Web App (PWA) using Ionic and recently added Capacitor to the project. The build works without any issues for Android.

The command I’m running is ionic capacitor build ios and then clicking the play button in Xcode.

Some specs:
macOS 10.15.4
Xcode: v11.4
node: v14.17.0
ionic-cli: v6.19.1
capacitor/ios: 3.3.2
capacitor/app: 1.0.6