Broken CSS Elements on ion-content


I am trying to implement conversation view with Ionic. But while rendering sometimes element’s css remained stick to the screen, although element has been moved to up.

The actual last conversation is “test17”, but one of my previous conversion is still visible.

I have tried $ionicFrostedDelegate.update(); with delay too but no luck.

I am moving my elements using $ionicScrollDelegate.scrollBottom(true);.

Here is my rendering html:

<ol class="messages">
    <li ng-repeat="conversation in conversationList | orderBy: 'createdDate'" ng-class="{'pull-right': !isCurrentUserNote(conversation)}">
      <p ng-class="{'messages-blue': !conversation.isCurrentUserNote}">
      <span class="positive" style="font-size: 10px" am-time-ago="conversation.createdDate" ng-class="{'pull-right': !conversation.isCurrentUserNote}"></span>

How to resolve this?