App store rejects Ionic 3 app with activity indicator on iPad

My Ionic 3 app uses Firebase’s phone authentication to login a user. After entering the phone number, then entering the verification code in the next screen, the ‘loading’ indicator shows for a few seconds while it authenticates, then it goes to the home screen.

I submitted the app to the App Store for review, and it got rejected, saying the ‘loading’ indicator remained indefinitely. I can’t replicate the issue on any of my test devices!
They even tested it on an iPad, even though it’s for iPhone only!!

I’ve submitted the Android version to the Play Store with no issues.

Anyone encountered such issue before? How do I resolve this??

Ask them for the test case they used.

What happens if the device is in airplane/offline mode? Would that cause the issue? What about an incorrect phone number?

Android submission do not under go the same level of review, so that is why you had no issues with that submission.

I am currently facing the same issue, have figured out how to fix it?

You need to ask which device/s they are testing on to get that error, then you need to run that device version on your simulator and see if you can replicate it.

Before deploying it’s best to test the app on all simulator devices.

If they test on iPad is because you need to check off the universal support in xcode build settings so it can be for iPhone only.