I noticed that while developing my app doesn’t work if I’m not connected to the same wifi of my developing computer, but If I run the actual realease (apk for android) without any wifi nor data it works just fine.
The catch is I want to code some functionality of the app of what to do when there’s is no internet connection so how can I code this while testing if I must turn off the wifi?
thanks the link is great just finished reading it.
So my problem is I noticed that when I emulate or run the app while developing for android if I have wifi off (in the emulator or android device), the app just doesn’t work/it doesnt even run.
But for example when I try running the released apk (which is the executable android package) if I don’t have wifi there is no problem and app runs fine.
So right now I need to code into my app while testing an error message to display when there is no wifi, so as I said at first while developing if I run/emulate on android device without wifi app doesn’t works properyl it tries to run/open but then just crashes. If I recall properly I read somewhere in the Ionic documentation that while testing I need to have device and computer connected to same wifi, so my question is how can I test connectivity stuff while developing if I can’t turn of wifi.
Believe it or not, I don’t have wifi here … so I cant debug my app on device, nor on emulation because of a chrome-related issue with unsafe url and getGeolocation …