AngularFire2 SSL Error

Failed to load resource: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made:

Does anybody have an idea why I keep getting this error? I have searched the internet and the post I found related does not help. Im trying on an iOS simulator.


Strange. I haven’t seen that in any of my projects, or on the forum. Is everything in your Firebase config variable documented accurately at app.module.ts?

Yes has everything connected. It works well in the browser but not when I start the ios emulator.

What op causes the error? Are you trying to authenticate?

As soon as the app starts on the emulator I see the logs error in safari before even trying to authenticate. When I try to authenticate, it throws another ssl error. Its like the app can’t make connections to the firebase at all. I read about iOS ATS setting but try every configuration posible with the white list plugin as well as setting up rules in the config.xml with origin and allow-navigation and nothing make it works on the ios emulator. It work well on an android device sideloding the app as well as in the browser as I mentioned

I just noticed you mentioned that you’re issue is pooping up on iOS emulator. I’m sorry, but I haven’t used it before. I’m of no help on this one.