Andoird release documentation improvement for cordova 5.1.1


In I think you should include the inprovements of cordova 5.1.1:

For release, cordova do the signing and align, can produce the play store reay apk.


  1. Add a build.json to project root (the same forlder of config.xml), look like this:
    “android”: {
    “release”: {
    “keystore”: “my_keystore.keystore”,
    “storePassword”: “my_keysotre_paddword”,
    “alias”: “my_key_alis”,
    “password” : “my_key_password”,
    “keystoreType”: “jks”

  2. Run ionic build --release android

  3. A android-release.apk file is generated in platforms\android\build\outputs\apk

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