anchorScroll with ionic cant get it working , How?

How do you use $ionicScrollDelegate with anchorScroll, i am able to make it working just by using angular function anchorScroll ,check this punker,

but when i start using same concept with ionic, i cant make it work. Is there anything i have to do to make it to work with ionic,

this is my plunker with ionic :

what i need is in my openstartmodal i need startView at 07:30 and in close model startView by 17:30,

(JFYI: these two functions are called in same controller.).

Any help much appreciated, thanks in advance.

i think it is a timing problem.

if you show your modal -> you get a promise, which is resolved, when modal is complete shown. () {
  // modal is totally visible
  // now do anchor scroll

If that does not work… try to get it working without an modal.

And post here again thanks.

Hi , I updated the plnkr, It works without model, Please have a look, Any Help ??

works like charme, but you:

$scope.openModalEnd = function() {
    $ (modal) {
        $scope.gotoEnd = function() {
            $timeout(function() {

you capseled your $timeout in another scopefunction you never call.

 $scope.openModalEnd = function() {
   $ (modal) {
      $timeout(function() {