Allow scroll or disallow scroll by page

hi guys,

I have some trouble to allow scroll for <ion-content> on one page.

In my config.xml i put <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true" /> to disallow scroll and hide scroll bar indicator cause my HomePage has scroll that i don"t need.

But in a new page(parameter page) i need to enable scroll and i can"t do this unless enable scroll for all page(all <ion-content>).

I tried a lot of things :

  • create a custom class by page’s <ion-content>
  • add an <ion-scroll> and his property with my content inside
  • try to work with $ionicScrollDelegate but i don"t understand correctly

Finally, i can"t achieve activation of scroll just for my param page.

What is the best way to solve my scroll problems please ?

thanks in advance


ps: sorry, my english is so bad

ionic framework: 3.6.0
ionic App Scripts: 2.1.3
Angular Core: 4.1.3
Angular Compiler cli: 4.1.3
Node: 7.8.0