Adding Font-Awesome to rc0

You don’t need this steps.
If you use the correct file name (and variable name in some cases) , it will override the default script

In case you want to use font-awesome with ion-icon, you can add something like this in your global.scss.

  /* Extends material-icons to ion-icon elements */
    @extend .material-icons;
    content: attr(name);

More details here

Note there is a bug in copy global.sass to main.css, so you need to add an sass.config.js with this:

module.exports = {
   * variableSassFiles: Lists out the files which include
   * only sass variables. These variables are the first sass files
   * to be imported so their values override default variables.
  variableSassFiles: [
    '{{SRC}}/theme/global.scss' // workadound problem #8307
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