Hi, I want to put data via JSON from an API, I’m having trouble with sending headers with the API call, as i need to send the app-id and api key with the request, heres my page code…
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NavController} from 'ionic-angular';
import {Http} from 'angular2/http';
templateUrl: 'build/pages/latest-page/latest-page.html'
export class LatestPage {
static get parameters() {
return [[NavController, Http]];
constructor(_navController, http) {
this._navControler = _navController;
this.http = http;
let opt: RequestOptions
let myHeaders: Headers = new Headers
myHeaders.set('app-id', 'c2549df0');
myHeaders.append('app-key', 'a2d31ce2ecb3c46739b7b0ebb1b45a8b');
myHeaders.append('Content-type', 'application/json');
opt = new RequestOptions({
headers: myHeaders
this.http.get("https://twit.tv/api/v1.0/people/77",opt).subscribe (data => {
console.log("Got Data");
this.items = JSON.parse(data._body).people;
}, error => {
console.log("Error with Data");
episodeClick (event, item){
When i try to run ionic serve --lab
the terminal gives this error
SyntaxError: /Users/Carl/TwitCasts/app/pages/latest-page/latest-page.js: Unexpected token (18:10) while parsing file: /Users/Carl/TwitCasts/app/pages/latest-page/latest-page.js
That seems to refer to this part of the code…
let opt: RequestOptions
let myHeaders: Headers = new Headers
But i’m not sure what the issue is, anyone got any ideas?