I have added ionic-native/camera-preview to my ionic3 app, i have got the camera preview working & able to save image but now i want to add custom string on camera preview like lat,lon or timestamp & save image with that string
I tried overlaying string on camera preview with css but it wont save image with string.
this is what i have
import { CameraPreview, CameraPreviewPictureOptions, CameraPreviewOptions, CameraPreviewDimensions } from '@ionic-native/camera-preview';
export class HomePage {
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController,private camera: Camera,private cameraPreview: CameraPreview,private platform:Platform) {
this.platform.ready().then( () => {
const cameraPreviewOpts: CameraPreviewOptions = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: window.screen.width,
height: window.screen.height,
camera: 'rear',
tapPhoto: true,
previewDrag: true,
toBack: true,
alpha: 1
this.cameraPreview.startCamera(cameraPreviewOpts).then( (res) => {
(err) => {
// picture options
const pictureOpts: CameraPreviewPictureOptions = {
width: 1280,
height: 1280,
quality: 85
// take a picture
this.cameraPreview.takePicture(pictureOpts).then((imageData) => {
const options: CameraOptions = {
quality: 100,
destinationType: this.camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
encodingType: this.camera.EncodingType.JPEG,
mediaType: this.camera.MediaType.PICTURE
this.camera.getPicture(options).then((imageData) => {
// imageData is either a base64 encoded string or a file URI
// If it's base64 (DATA_URL):
this.base64Image = imageData;
}, (err) => {
// Handle error
I want to show lat,lon & timestamp on camera preview & save image with that string on image