Actionsheet's Android "ugly" styling.. need help

If I may, this is due to Material’s design guidelines on bottom sheets quoted as follows:

Bottom sheets can be dismissed by swiping the bottom sheet down, by touching an explicit control such as an X in the app bar, or by touching the system back button (Android). Modal bottom sheets can also be dismissed by touching outside of the bottom sheet.

Also, I would like to add to the solution the following snippet of code for adding an icon only for Android:

            // Show the action sheet
            var hideSheet = ${
                destructiveText: (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()?'<i class="icon ion-android-exit assertive"></i> ':'')+'End Task',
                cancelText: 'Cancel',
                cancel: function() {
                destructiveButtonClicked: function(index) {
                    console.log('Clicked end task');
                    //your function
                    return true;