Hi, I decided to stop to wait for the beta release and to start develop my app (updating Ionic every time). I would to do an iOS webapp without public it on the App Store (so letting users to only save it on the Home Screen pressing “add to Home” in iOS 7). I’m doing this to learn a little more of javascript, html5, css3 and to introduce myself to angularJS.
I would ask to the Ionic developers what are the best ways to do my app using Ionic, so here’re the questions:
I would to realize an app with the SideMenu that will look like the iOS 7 App Store, the iOS 7 Facebook apps, so with a lot (2000+) pages inside and the same header for each page (it will be only able to change the title, and I would to see it stable like in the apps I mentioned before, in the OS apps). Is it possible to achieve this? Which would be the best way (maybe adding some transitions when the pages change)?
Like Facebook on iOS 7, I would to do the same status bar: a blue status bar when the SideMenu is hidden, and a transition that will fade its color to black while the SideMenu is dragged in.
I know in Ionic there’re a DOM element for the center content (pane side-menu-content), a DOM element for the side content (side-menu) and a DOM element with both them inside (side-menus). I thought to use a black-translucent status bar for my “capable” webapp, to add a div 16px high, with the same background-color of the header div, before of side-menus (to not slide it with the center content) and to use different css for window.navigator.standalone and !window.navigator.standalone (to remove the status bar DOM element when the user uses Safari and to add a 16px magin-top to headers and contents).
Is it the best way to do it? How would a Ionic developer act?
If the user slides down the header bar, he slides down all the html page breaking the natural iOS look of the app. How I could disable this in Ionic? Is it anything that will be added in future releases of this awesome framework?
Like I wrote in the first two questions, I would add a SideMenu to my app. In Ionic, when the SideMenu is open, to close it you can only tap on the button controller, tap on the central content or slide the central content to left/right. Is it possible to do the SideMenu like in Facebook for iOS 7? I would to be able to slide everywhere in the screen to close the menu, not only in the center content, and to see the controller button:active for all the slide animation (not only for a frame… the users cannot see the button:active css ahah)?
Last question: is it possibile to add a sort of “waiting time” for links and buttons when the user scrolls? (if you’re using iOS, a, form, input, etc. change the status to :active only if you hold buttons and links withouth scrolling; vice versa if you scroll the :active status is removed: I think it will surely reduce lag in item lists with links and :active animations)
Is it anything that will be in next releases of Ionic?
Thanks for reading and thanks for the opportunity to ask directly to the team Ionic related things in an official forum
I never completed a project, and I really would to complete this one.
Thanks in advance for replies from the Ionic staff!