12501 Error Google Login on Android

I am using Ionic 2. I build my app for Android as follows:

ionic build android

For the Android build, I need a SHA1 keystore for Google Authentication.

I have a Macintosh HD/Users/myname/.android/debug.keystore, so according to these instructions, I generate a keystore using (default password ‘android’):

keytool -exportcert -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore

The output looks correct. I use this SHA1 to for my Android Credentials as per the above instructions:

enter image description here

But when I try login, I get: error = 12501

From here I believe it’s related to not having the SHA1 in the Google Credentials matching the SHA1 for the Android build of the app.


What SHA1 is my Android build using? How do I check if it matches the one generated above for the credentials?


from reading the following:

enter image description here

I understand it, that for Android, we need to put the SHA1 here:

enter image description here

However, after trying this, I still get the 12501 error.

Hi do you figure it out?

Is this about Login to Google Plus or to Firebase?

SHA1 looks fine, the question here is, which API KEY are you using to connect to the oauth? you have to use the web client id and another thing, in the config.xml did you use the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID? this is necessary to the IOS apps.