[SOLVED] Why angular-translate not working?

hi @nicraboy, @santinowu and @Kirov, i have the same problem!
Nicraboy as you explain in your post work becouse you insert the translations directly in code like this:

$translateProvider.translations(‘es’, {
hello_message: “Hola”,
goodbye_message: “Adios”

The problem arise here:

$translateProvider.useLoader(‘$translatePartialLoader’, {
urlTemplate: ‘/i18n/{part}/{lang}.json’

I use this way because i have long translations and i load that in the right UI/view.

I think the problem is in GET request, it seems in ios-sim there is no server listening in localhost for retriving localization files.

Instead if i do ionic emulate ios -l WITH live review active, it works!

I’ve opened this tread Ionic emulate ios without livereload does not work
But still no answer.
