When using Horizontal Scroll ion-scroll page can't be scrolled down in y-direction

I am not sure of your exact intentions as far as functionality with the horizontal scroll section, but you can get the functionality that you had in the video using just css and a div instead:

I have personally tested this on iOS 7.1 and android 4.4

The issue is the fact that ion-scroll onScroll event doesn’t actually bubble up to its parent. This could be achieved if the onScroll directive attribute actually returned information related the the scroll taking place, but it appears that currently, no information is passed into the onScroll event. Alternatively, if there was functionality added to the ion-scroll directive that would allow its events to bubble up, that would be ideal.

I will ponder on how exactly to implement this when I have a bit more time to play with it.

EDIT: I take that back about the bubbling… it is actually bubbling, but not triggering the scroll for some reason -__-