$scope inside a popover in unreachable!


{object=} scope The scope to be a child of. Default: creates a child of $rootScope.

In you Controller you need to add $rootScope;

.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope , $rootScope,  $ionicPopover) {

and then use this for the variable you need to pass on the popover

$rootScope.myvar = "hello";
    var d = new Date();
    $rootScope.myvar="some change" + d.getMilliseconds() ;

with this the variables will be accessible on the popover from the function

$ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('templates/popover.html', function(popover) {    
  $scope.popover = popover;

you can access your variable by popover.scope.$parent.variableName || popover.scope.$root.variableName

        <a class="item" href="http://learn.ionicframework.com/" target="_blank">

I tried to use this for simplicity

  $scope.mytest = popover.scope.$parent.myvar ;
  console.log( popover);
  $scope.popover = popover;

But its not working.
