Prevent controller from reloading/rebuilding on state change

That’s why I’ve added post scriptum :slight_smile:

  • rendering is optimized with different approaches (bindonce,
    ng-show, etc. tried iscroll, datagrid, angular-once, infinite,
    virtual, etc) - nothing else faster than it is now is possible
    on the target devices

  • yes, I utilize services for data

I just need to stop the controller reloading everything each time which takes ages to render while it should be possible and enough to just render it once and that would be enough. If this is impossible then there’s no way for me to stay with hybrid apps.

Since I’ve started the journey with hybrid, cordova, ionic and angular I spend my time on nothing else than optimizing over and over things that should be in the package while I could focus on usability and features. I’ve compared my optimized solution to a native one. My app loads in 3 secs on a device and this is even without populating the ng-repeat list what I do only when a state is changed for the first time. Otherwise no one would wait for so long. Similar app, native one, loads in 1 sec on the same device with the whole list populated at once. The idea with stopping controller from reloading content that is not changed at all and doesn’t require reloading is the last chance. Then I give up and I go and check xamarin or something else. Nothing can be more pain probably… :wink:
