Please help test: Angular 1.3, improved transitions, cached views (repost)

I have found a workaround to the problem. I have yet found a way for disableScroll(true) yet as it doesn’t scroll at all, but if you do disableScroll(false) to allow ios do overflow scrolling and add scroll=‘false’ attribute to ion-content, clicking on any input will automatically scroll so the input is above the keyboard everytime.

Has no one experience this problem on ios?

In both beta 13 and nightly for Android. I have tested in iOS and works fine.

What version of android? I just tested on a 4.1 and it’s working fine.

4.4, I can send you the apk if you like to test.


Just tested again on a nexus 5 running 4.4, still no error.

If the codepen is close to what you have, I’m not sure what could be causing the issue.
Does this happen to you when you test the codepen on your device?

nope, from Codepen/Chrome in device works fine… strange innit?

Anyway, it is a bug in nightly, ion-content in modal does not get offset when keyboard is up, thus the element is always below the keyboard no matter how hard you tried to scroll up.


For those who are experiencing the same issue, just drop this into your css

.platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen).modal-open.keyboard-open .scroll-content {
  bottom: 300px !important;

Also make sure it is not using overflow scroll.

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@pencilcheck Thanks for the report! Looks like there was a regression and the fix is in as of build 861. Please let me know if you’re still having issues, and thanks for the codepen and detailed description!

Yes, just confirmed, it is fixed in 861. Thanks!


Regarding slides in modal in tabs: I am now testing with Build 862. The Issue with modals is OK, both my app and the plunker above are OK.

BUT… I the meanwhile I have restructured my app to not use modals. This is because navigation was breaking apart in weird and different ways in Chrome/Android/IOS. I am now using a separate detail view instead. And now I am having the same issue (the slide content is invisible) with that approach.

I have made a plunkr at which illustrates this.
Slide content is not visible. But…
If you change line 5 of single.html to <ion-content style="position: relative;"> the content appears.

I’m having an issue with the SlideBox and going back to a view with one where auto-play is enabled it would appear.

Click the about tab, then the tabs nav stack. It doesn’t happen 100% of the time, but the vast majority of the time it hangs the browser, and of course kills the app when on a device. Struggling to debug, but it looks like the breaking change was introduced between nightly 825 and 826 when I replayed through the builds.

Has anyone else seen anything similar?

@adam Hey somehow this issue “ion-nav-bar header tap affects all cached views in DOM” that was resolved has come back in the latest nightly build (863).

Here is a codepen that demonstrates the issue -

I don’t think I’m dreaming lol, thanks!

when i jump from menu slide nav to normal view 。
the back button no show

@Ross Thanks for the report! I’ve made a fix so finding delegates works in all scenarios. Thanks

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I config the $ionicConfigProvider.backButton.text(’’)

if i set view-title , the back button will show the last view title , how to hide these title

@adam Nice it looks like your commit 8ec397 this morning has fixed this issue. Thanks!

Is there any ionic starter app (with slide menu) with the corresponding to nightly version markup? I’v just looked through this code and found some deprecated directives (nav-clear in menu). So is there maybe a newer version?

Thanks in advance!

Hi guys,

Slidebox inside modals are not being displayed anymore, looks like a css issue.

It was working in Beta13


This works different now, ionContents are now inside the ionSlides:


but still, communicating with the ionicSlideBoxDelegate within a modal controller seems to be broken.