Platform add ios error

Thank you for your prompt answer!
I’ll try to convince my boss to work with Adobe’s stuff…
So I presume that Cordova is at the same level as Ionic? (regarding the Mac-only iOS build system)


Well ionic uses cordova underneath.
But really the issue would still be there even if you wanted to develop natively.

Okay. So I will give a try to Phonegap to build and deploy the iOS version.
Thanks for your availability and efficiency! :smile:


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Still same problem…

I cannot understand why Ionic relies on iOS SDK for building iOS resources…
Just do it the “Android way” with the iOS sizes…?!?

Unfortunately, even “ionic resources ios” creates android resources O_ö

would be nice if this would be fixed, can’t imagine this would be such a magic thin…

thank you very much!

I had this same issue on Mac OS X Yosemite - with ios/android platform - turns out Cordova doesn’t work with a private npm registry. I removed my ~/.npmrc file and commands work. See Cordova support ticket