How to play local audio files

Thanks a lot for your answer !

I solved my problems :

  1. I called Media before the plugin was loaded (that’s why it wasn’t defined)
  2. I didn’t added /android_asset/www/ before my url on android :frowning:

So, I wrote an angular service to handle all this problems. If you think it could be usefull for you, here it is :

// for media plugin :
.factory('MediaSrv', function($q, $ionicPlatform, $window){
  var service = {
    loadMedia: loadMedia,
    getStatusMessage: getStatusMessage,
    getErrorMessage: getErrorMessage

  function loadMedia(src, onError, onStatus, onStop){
    var defer = $q.defer();
      var mediaSuccess = function(){
      var mediaError = function(err){
        _logError(src, err);
      var mediaStatus = function(status){

      if($'android')){src = '/android_asset/www/' + src;}
      defer.resolve(new $window.Media(src, mediaSuccess, mediaError, mediaStatus));
    return defer.promise;

  function _logError(src, err){
    console.error('media error', {
      code: err.code,
      message: getErrorMessage(err.code)

  function getStatusMessage(status){
    if(status === 0){return 'Media.MEDIA_NONE';}
    else if(status === 1){return 'Media.MEDIA_STARTING';}
    else if(status === 2){return 'Media.MEDIA_RUNNING';}
    else if(status === 3){return 'Media.MEDIA_PAUSED';}
    else if(status === 4){return 'Media.MEDIA_STOPPED';}
    else {return 'Unknown status <'+status+'>';}

  function getErrorMessage(code){
    if(code === 1){return 'MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED';}
    else if(code === 2){return 'MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK';}
    else if(code === 3){return 'MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE';}
    else if(code === 4){return 'MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED';}
    else {return 'Unknown code <'+code+'>';}

  return service;

It can be used like this :


Moreover, I wrote a a fallback for this plugin to emulate it on browser. Feel free to use it :

window.Media = function(src, mediaSuccess, mediaError, mediaStatus){
  // src: A URI containing the audio content. (DOMString)
  // mediaSuccess: (Optional) The callback that executes after a Media object has completed the current play, record, or stop action. (Function)
  // mediaError: (Optional) The callback that executes if an error occurs. (Function)
  // mediaStatus: (Optional) The callback that executes to indicate status changes. (Function)

  if (typeof Audio !== "function" && typeof Audio !== "object") {
    console.warn("HTML5 Audio is not supported in this browser");
  var sound = new Audio();
  sound.src = src;
  sound.addEventListener("ended", mediaSuccess, false);

  return {
    // Returns the current position within an audio file (in seconds).
    getCurrentPosition: function(mediaSuccess, mediaError){ mediaSuccess(sound.currentTime); },
    // Returns the duration of an audio file (in seconds) or -1.
    getDuration: function(){ return isNaN(sound.duration) ? -1 : sound.duration; },
    // Start or resume playing an audio file.
    play: function(){; },
    // Pause playback of an audio file.
    pause: function(){ sound.pause(); },
    // Releases the underlying operating system's audio resources. Should be called on a ressource when it's no longer needed !
    release: function(){},
    // Moves the position within the audio file.
    seekTo: function(milliseconds){}, // TODO
    // Set the volume for audio playback (between 0.0 and 1.0).
    setVolume: function(volume){ sound.volume = volume; },
    // Start recording an audio file.
    startRecord: function(){},
    // Stop recording an audio file.
    stopRecord: function(){},
    // Stop playing an audio file.
    stop: function(){ sound.pause(); if(mediaSuccess){mediaSuccess();} } // TODO

If you see any possible improvments, I will be glad to discuss about :smiley: