How I can change My app name

Type following from your CLI command prompt

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-app-name --variable APP_NAME=“YOUR APP NAME HERE”

build your app
it will create app-debug.apk file
Install this to your device
After installation you will find app name which you entered in above step

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if you used emulator, close the emulator first and then run ionic run android

If you enabled the PWA mode then the name that is displayed by default for the icon and on the splash screen is taken from the manifest.json file which is referenced in your index.html as

<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">

The PWA mode itself is enabled via:

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />

Thus, when in your browser you select Add to Home screen (in mobile Chrome iOS/Android or Safari iOS) then the default name of the desktop icon will be taken from manifest.json. That will also be the name displayed in the splash screen for the PWA mode (which means the page behaves pretty much like a mobile app and when you tap the icon the address bar and decorations are not shown).