Eval JSON data as HTML?

While I do appreciate the willingness to help on most of my issues; I feel that you’re dismissing everything that doesn’t have a full set of code stripped out into a plunker of some sort. Maybe my english isn’t that great, I’m not entirely sure. I am sorry about that if I’m not explaining the problem in enough detail.

So please let me try to explain better:

I have data binding that takes the value from JSON. The data binding is assigned to {{json.value}}, where value is <a title=\"title\" href=\"http:\/\/www.mydomain.tld\/\">mylink<\/a>

Currently what happens in the view:

<a title="title" href="http:\\www.mydomain.tld\">mylink</a>

Instead of:

Because the data still contains the escaping (which needs to be sanitized/evaluated as html).

So in my previous post I linked a stack overflow which I had implemented the answer using 'ngResource' and ng-bind-html-unsafe as described by the poster. But it is not good/incomplete answer.

Again, what I have is escaped HTML data in the form of <a title=\"title\" href=\"http:\/\/www.mydomain.tld\/\">mylink<\/a> that needs to be converted/sanitized to <a title="title" href="http:\\www.mydomain.tld\">mylink</a>

I’m not sure how I could plunk that into anything other than how i’ve said it:
<a title=\"title\" href=\"http:\/\/www.mydomain.tld\/\">mylink<\/a>
needs to equal
<a title="title" href="http:\\www.mydomain.tld\">mylink</a>

Sorry again if my explanation isn’t good enough; but I do not have any code other than what I posed above.