Bug in TabBar with nested states?

I have tried nesting tabs using the default tabs templates created using $ ionic start myApp tabs… and it works just adding some styling to the nested tabs tag to avoid overlapping…

<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top has-header has-footer" style="background:#ff0000; border:1px solid red; top:44px; bottom:49px; height:auto;" delegate-handle="subtabs-handler">

(top, bottom and height are the ones to care, any other styling is for better spotting).

The only thing you have left to do is using $ionicTabsDelegate to make sure you are calling the right tabs…

.controller(‘SubTabCtrl’, function($scope, $state, $ionicTabsDelegate) {

//this call forces the loading of the subtab content so the panes are removed

//the function to be called from the subtabs links
$scope.selectTabWithIndex = function(index) {

	switch (index){
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:


Being tab-account the tab is holding the subtabs… And having almost the same kind of abstract template as the tabs.html template. Just changing the href for the ng-click…

> <ion-tab title="sub tab 1" icon="icon ion-home" ng-click="selectTabWithIndex(0)"> 
>     <ion-nav-view name="account-subtab1"></ion-nav-view>
>   </ion-tab>

This should do the thing.
